Vermicomposting – worm compost for the household and garden.

            The biggest advantage of this type of composting is that only small spaces are needed. This means that the composting can be done in small bins and other small boxes, also on the terrace, balcony, under the house, etc.

What is vermicomposting?

        It is a composting process using worms to create an end product called vermicompost. This is based on the ability of the worms to transform in their digestive system organic matter which then turns into nutrient-rich compost.

Which worms are suitable?

               Commonly used are Red Wigglers (Eisenia foetida). These worms live in the top layer of rotting vegetation, in piles of compost and manure.  You can recognize Red Wigglers by their color, which is stripy, with yellow and dark red-brown stripes. 

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